Assess the soft skills of your future managers

Need soft skills assessment tools
for your managers?

Talent Tale offers you a complete and unique range of potential assessment solutions, from questionnaires to situational judgement tests, up to audit tools to reveal all your talents’ behavioral facets.

My HR need

  • Recruitment / Talent Acquisition

    Need to identify the right candidates without making mistakes? In pre-selection, selection or even assessment centres, rely on tools that help you see beyond the resume and complement your interviews.

  • Careers / Talent Development

    How do you know if your talents have the necessary soft skills to advance in their career and become your future leaders? Our potential assessment tools, especially for transformational leadership, will help you!

  • Coaching / Training

    Do you want to better support your talents to develop their potential? The variety of tools we offer can support all your projects.

We have their trust



Our questionnaires allow us to objectively identify a talent’s behavioural profile, motivations, managerial skills and style.

In-baskets & Serious Game

Use our assessments to understand the immediate operational capacity of candidates with targeted scenarios. The Horizon Serious Game is a unique tool for identifying transformational leadership potential.

Audits and 360

In addition to a classical 360 tool, two other analysis tools provide a shared vision of the skills required for a position or of the managerial style perceived by a talent as well as by their professional entourage.

Notre mission

Our mission

Talent Tale’s purpose is to help talents develop their story by assessing and identifying their unique soft skills and helping them to develop them.

Talent Tale uses psychometric tools and scientific methodology to provide HR professionals with information to make informed recruitment and development decisions.

By combining personality profiling tools with highly operational situational judgement tests, Talent Tale provides the tools to understand the true potential of candidates and employees.


Developing potential

At Talent Tale, what we truly desire is to support talents and their organisations with the tools capable of revealing human potential, and which help the first to act on their development and the latter to better understand their wealth of talents.

Every tool we develop is guided by attentive benevolence. We aim to deliver reports or results, that are bound to favor meaningful discussions and insights on every talent’s personality and behavioral aspects.

Collective fulfilment

At Talent Tale, we believe in everyone’s own fulfillment to drive our collective accomplishment.

This applies to each one of us, as well as our clients and partners, and also to all talents we serve.

We rely on each one’s expertise and confront all points of view with open-mindedness and respect, while remaining pragmatic and professional.

Scientific honesty

At Talent Tale, we think science only serves humans, et are convinced of our tools’ significance, as long as they are based on established data. We advocate for a scientific, honest and ethical approach.

Innovative exploration

At Talent Tale, curiosity and openness are an integral part of our DNA. Exploring all the ways to better assess potential without setting limits to always better understand talents in all their differences, allows us to appreciate individualities in their diversity and richness, and their interactions.

Sustainable support

We are firmly convinced of the added value of Talent Tale: supporting talents in their personal and professional development to enable them to become actors for a responsible and sustainable environment.

Meet the team

  • Céline

  • Christine

  • Eric


  • Team Functionality Audit following the use of Tale Me More

    Team Functionality Audit following the use of Tale Me More

    Following the use of our Tale Me More® questionnaire, we have established a mapping of the soft skills covered by the team.

  • Talent Tale was present at the European Congress of Psychology in Brighton, UK, July 3-6

    Talent Tale was present at the European Congress of Psychology in Brighton, UK, July 3-6

    Dr Céline JOUFFRAY presented our vision of transformational leadership in modern organisations.